Université Libre de Bruxelles

Twin centre

Logo of EXP

Université Libre de Bruxelles
Campus de la Plaine
Boulevard du Triomphe
1050 Brussels

Contact person

Patricia Corieri and Philippe Léonard
Experimentarium ULB (CP 238)
Bld du Triomphe
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: 003226505456
Fax: 003226505332

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E-mail: Please enable JavaScript to reveal the Email address

National website containing information about Fibonacci


Experimentarium ULB - short overview

Experimentarium (Xp) is the physics museum of Brussels‘ university. It’s a rather large collection of experiments that emcompass all the usual fields of physics. It is however a living museum essentially engaged into the didactics of science in general. This is mainly accomplished through guided visits and thematic science exhibitions. Xp has also engaged into the development of a series of innovative hands-on workshop activities for primary and secondary schools.

Activities within the Fibonacci project

Xp is already engaged into formation, development of lessons sequences and student experimentation, classifying and accumulating documentation, design of experimental sets and teacher guidance, in general.

Regular collaboration with teacher associations.

Other related projects

Besides the in-house activities ( Xp visits), Xp often initiates or participates to several science events and exhibitions in Belgium and France. We’re also directing student projects bot hat University and secondary levels.

We also collaborate with the „La scienthothèque“ association to promote science education in education deprived zones.