Autonomous learning

The best way to learn is to do - to ask, and to do.

The best way to teach is to make students ask, and do.

Don't preach facts - stim­u­late acts.

Paul Halmos

Following one’s own ways of learning

Successful learning is an active, construc­tive, cumu­la­tive and purposeful process. For school this means: Neither is the teacher an enter­tainer, nor the student a passive consumer. The possi­bil­i­ties to allow students to follow their own ways are varied. Project work, group work, indi­vidual work, strictly planned or free teaching methods are all well-known teaching approaches, which allow autonomous, self-orga­nized and coop­er­a­tive work for a longer period of time.

Creating units of indi­vidual learning in everyday teaching situ­a­tions

The teaching methods referred to in the previous para­graph are useful items, but they will not be able to cover the whole range of everyday teaching situ­a­tions. They already require a certain amount of inde­pen­dent, indi­vidual learning expe­ri­ence and autonomy and also a certain method­ical compe­tence. There­fore this module intro­duces various ways of creating units of indi­vidual learning.

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Confi­dence and the proper strategy

An aim must be able to be reached. Self-confi­dence in one’s own abil­i­ties, based on a solid funda­ment of knowl­edge, is abso­lutely vital for a good start. Basic patterns 3, 4 and 5 offer useful infor­ma­tion. Knowl­edge without stir­ring ideas is rather useless knowl­edge. Here you will find a lot of infor­ma­tion about the devel­op­ment of problem-solving strate­gies.

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